Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Waiting on Wednesday

"Waiting on Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It lets us all gush about what soon-to-be released books we are jumping-up-and-down excited for.

A Need So Beautiful
by Suzanne Young

release date: June 21, 2011 by Balzer & Bray

A seventeen-year-old discovers that by performing the good deeds that her body compels her to, she will disappear into the light and be forgotten, but by fighting “the Need,” her fate could be even more dire.

My thoughts: As short as that synopsis is so far, it sounds like an amazing story. I am completely intrigued---what makes her need to do good deeds? What is this "light" that she will disappear into? And why is this book release so darn far away???


  1. Very interesting synopsis. I think I will be looking for this next summer also. Great pick!

  2. Wow such a loooong wait! Still an interesting book, thanks for sharing:)
    Here is my WOW

    And don't forget to check out my giveaway...just click here!

  3. I agree- interesting premise. I haven't heard of this one till now....will definitely be putting it on my massive TBR list. Thanks for sharing this one!

  4. I've seen this twice today...Hm. Must check out.
    Hope you come by and see my WOW!

  5. Ooo sounds ethical. Interesting pick!

    Here is by my WoW :)

  6. Wow! This sounds really interesting!

  7. This does sound intriguing...thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. Sounds good... even though it doesn't tell us much.. I will have to check it out next summer!

    Check out my WOW!

  9. I've seen this one around once or twice today and I think it looks great. I'm so interested to figure out what this one is about. Great pick!

    My WoW

  10. That tiny synopsis has me confused and curious.

  11. OMG, I love the cover and the description wooah! GOOD> :)
