I would be happy and honored to be contacted about books that you would like reviewed, whether they are ARCs, finished copies, or titles that have already been released. Please see below for the type of books I like to read. I review books honestly, but respectfully. If you have a book you would like to see reviewed or featured on Stories & Sweeties, please email me at storiesandsweetiesblog@gmail.com for a mailing address. Unsolicited books are always welcome from publishers and authors that I have worked with previously. I am not accepting ebooks for review and unsolicited requests sent with any sort of file attachment will not be opened.
Books that I accept for review:
Stories & Sweeties is a Young Adult fiction book review blog. YA fiction genres that I am most interested in are:
- Paranormal or Paranormal Romance
- Fantasy
- Historical
- Mystery
- Contemporary (please see note below)
Self-published Books:
I do accept self-published and indie-published books for review, but very selectively. Please feel free to email with info and you will receive a reply if it sounds like something I would enjoy reading and reviewing. I do not accept ebooks, so book must be available in print.
Review timeframe:
For upcoming books that I request personally, I will try to post a review within a month of the publication date, either before or after the pub date. For all other books, I will try to post a review within 2-3 months of either the pub date or from the date it was received if it is already out on shelves. Please note that this time frame is not guaranteed, but I will make every effort to review in a timely manner. Please also note that if I receive an unsolicited series book that is a sequel or later, it will take longer for me to track down and read the preceding books before I get to that one. Lastly, books that I cannot finish will not be reviewed.
"Second chance" theory:
I'm a big believer that my personal mood and real-life current situations/distractions can possibly have an effect on my enjoyment of a book. Therefore, if a book doesn't hold my interest for whatever reason, I will often (but not always!) shelf the book for awhile and try to pick it up again later.
Other Promotional opportunities:
I am always glad to host giveaways. Interviews and guest posts opportunities are often offered to authors of books that I am familiar with or recently read and thoroughly enjoyed.
Thank you for your interest in my blog!
(updated 11/29/12)