Thursday, July 12, 2012

Book Trailers: Dark Companion, So Close to You, & Something Strange & Deadly

Some awesome book trailers have hit the web recently! Check them out:

Dark Companion by Marta Acosta

So Close to You by Rachel Carter:

Something Strange & Deadly by Susan Dennard

What do you think? Do these make you want to read the books? I already read and loved Dark Companion, but the trailers definitely make me want to dive right in to the other two!


  1. I love the trailers for all of these! Now I want to read them all even more! haha Thanks for that! :p

  2. I'm looking forward to all these books! Great trailers, I especially like the one for So Close to You. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. These trailers are awesome. Thanks so much for showing them!
