I'm so happy to have an amazing author here to answer a few question today...P.T. Michelle! As you guys might have seen earlier this week, I reviewed her newest book, Brightest Kind of Darkness. I absolutely loved it (check out
my review). So I asked her to come by for a visit at Stories & Sweeties!

Welcome, Patrice!
Describe Brightest Kind of Darkness in your own words?
Brightest Kind of Darkness is a story about choosing your own path despite seemingly overwhelming obstacles. It’s about falling in love and forging a deep connection. And how that connection can redefine who you thought you were, helping you understand life doesn't have to be a lonely trip down a one-way highway, but instead a journey with many avenues and possibilities. Is there a planned release schedule for the following books in the series?
The next story will be a novella (LUCID), which will bridge the gap of time between book 1 and book 2.
Can you tell a little about how you got interested in writing?
I’ve been an avid reader since I was a teen. It was after I’d spent a summer reading book after book (probably 60 or so) that I realized I wanted to be the person writing stories that made people sigh when they finished the book.
Tell us about your ideal writing space.
My ideal writing space is either my couch or bed. Anywhere comfortable, where I can open my laptop and start typing.
As a previously published author, what made you decide to self-publish this time around?
The industry changing is what made me decide to self-publish this time around. I’ve been published with small press publishers as well as by one of the biggest NY publishers, so I definitely went into this with my eyes wide open. Self-publishing is more upfront work, but I have to say…I love the freedom. I love being able to create my own cover—have it fit the vision I wanted. I like the ability to publish when the story is ready, and the total control over the price and the formats the book is available in.
Who are your favorite authors? What are you reading right now?
In YA, I love the work by my critique partners: Jeri Smith Ready (Shade series) and J.A Templeton (The Deepest Cut) as well as Lauren Oliver and Gayle Forman’s books. In adult, I just recently finished Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series. Really loved those books. I’m currently reading Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.
What kind of books did you love to read as a teenager?
First it was fantasy novels, like Madeleine L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time series, then the entire Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. Later, as an older teen, I found romances. I devoured historicals like crazy…until I discovered paranormals.
Which of the characters that you've written is your favorite? That’s a hard question.
Each character I write is my favorite while I’m writing them. I get so immersed in their world…that’s all I think about 24/7.
In your book, Nara fights against Fate. What about you…do you tend to leave things to fate?
Haha, no. I fight fate every step of the way. Nara’s need to control what’s happening around her…I’m not OCD about it like Nara, but I can definitely relate.
A Few Fun questions :)
Favorite snack while writing? Dark Chocolate (Ghirardelli Intense Dark Twilight Delight)
Favorite movie? I love the love story in Practical Magic—how the little girl, who’s mother died of a broken heart, didn’t ever want to feel the kind of hurt her mother had, so she cast a spell, wishing for her true love to be a man with a combination of skills so improbable, he couldn’t possibly exist. Except he did.
Favorite color? Purple
Favorite band and song right now? Adele. The whole 21 album. Her voice is so breath-catchingly soulful.
Favorite teacher from your school years? You know what’s funny…I don’t remember a favorite teacher. I've had several great teaches over the years. What I do remember was my high school English teacher snorting in disbelief when I told her I’d won the school’s poetry contest. After that, I was more determined than ever to become a writer. LOL!
And everyone who visits Stories & Sweeties answers this one: Do you like cupcakes? :) Frosting or cake better? I love cupcakes. For me, it takes BOTH the sugary-sweet frosting and the soft cake to make it truly enjoyable.
* * * * * * * *
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Brightest Kind of Darkness!
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- Enter by 11:59 PM (PST) on September 30th, 2011