Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Fond Farewell...

The literary world lost one of it's greats this week, my blog friends. It was announced yesterday that children's author Brian Jacques passed away on February 5th, 2011, at the age of 71.

He was most well known for his wonderful imaginative Redwall series, where mice and otters and all manner of furry creatures go on amazing adventures and fight fierce, courageous battles. They were highly celebrated all over the world, and loved by all ages. It always brought a smile to my face when a library patron would bring one of the Redwall books up to check out...knowing the excitement they would find when they cracked it open. Here in my house, the series is a favorite. My husband has read every one, excitedly anticipating the new installment each year, devouring it, and then placing it on its new place of honor on our shelves.
<<< (our collection)

My first Redwall book experience:

You can find more about the incredible Mr. Jacques at the Penguin website. and at his official website.

A fond farewell, sir...and thank you for sharing the adventure.